CSI Visits The Hill

The Clean Slate Initiative (CSI) continues to advance Clean Slate at the federal level in 2024 — and part of our strategy for that advancement is relationship building on the Hill.

In February 2024, members of CSI’s team met with members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees. These relationships are important because members of those committees have oversight of both of our Clean Slate federal bills: the Clean Slate Act and the Fresh Start Act.

The Clean Slate Act (H.R. 2930), sponsored by Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Nancy Mace (R-SC), creates a first-ever federal process that enables individuals to petition for clearance of low-level conviction records and establishes a streamlined system to automate sealing for eligible drug records for people who have completed their sentences and remained crime-free for a period of time.

The Fresh Start Act (H.R. 2983), sponsored by Reps. David Trone (D-MD) and Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), creates a federal grant program that enables states that passed automatic sealing laws to apply for federal funds to implement those laws. As a result, millions more people will be able to access employment, housing, and education. Additionally, the grant program will make state record-sealing systems more efficient through automation.

During our visit, Sheena Meade, CEO; Jason Cooper, VP of Programs; and Reginald Darby, Federal Legislative Director, met with the office of Rep. Nathan Moran (R-TX) to express our gratitude for his sponsorship of the Clean Slate Act. Rep. Moran’s leadership on H.R. 2930 in the House has been a driving force behind the continued growth in support of the bill.

While on the Hill, we also wanted to enlist new cosponsors for the Clean Slate bills, specifically focusing on building more Republican champions — to make the bipartisan nature of these bills even more apparent.

In meetings with congressional members who expressed interest in supporting the bills, we had one consistent takeaway: the tie between state and federal efforts is incredibly important. Several members of the House and Senate noted that they would champion Clean Slate legislation at the federal level if they heard support for the policy from constituents in their respective states. You can help: Reach out to your Congress representatives with just a few clicks using our letter-writing campaign in support of the Clean Slate Act.

As the year unfolds, CSI will continue to focus on educating legislators about the importance and impact of Clean Slate policies. We hope to see the Clean Slate Act pass the House Judiciary Committee later this year, and then after that, it would head to the House floor for a vote. A committee vote is especially impactful for this bill because it would allow CSI to bring the voices of more directly impacted people into the room to advocate on behalf of Clean Slate.

CSI is making every effort to tackle this issue of getting the Clean Slate Act across the finish line. We’re working multiple angles, with as many people as possible, leaving no stone unturned — because we know that it’s time for a federal Clean Slate.


NEW! Our One-of-Its-Kind  Data Dashboard Estimates the Impact of Clean Slate Policies in Every State


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