Donate to The Clean Slate Initiative
Your tax-deductible donation fuels second chances. By giving today, you’ll help break down barriers, open doors to jobs and housing, and create a future where everyone can contribute to their community with dignity and hope. Together, we can transform lives.
More Ways To Give
ACH donations and wire transfers are quick and secure ways to fund the organization. Please contact or 407-602-3203 to receive the necessary banking information.
An outright gift of appreciated securities, or stock, is a way to make a meaningful gift and to receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stock at the time of the gift. To facilitate this donation, please contact or 407-602-3203 to receive the necessary information.
If you are interested in donating to The Clean Slate Initiative through another giving vehicle, such as through a Donor Advised Fund, a workplace charitable giving campaign, or a company-sponsored matching donation, please contact or 407-602-3203 to discuss and receive any specific information needed.
Explore answers to common questions about CSI. Have a question not covered here? Feel free to reach out!
All contributions to The Clean Slate Initiative help the organization build the movement to pass bipartisan policies that will automate record clearance for millions of Americans. This automation of systems will eliminate administrative barriers that currently keep millions of men and women from access to employment opportunities, safe housing, and advancement in education. To learn more about our most recent successes, please read our 2023 Annual Report.
Yes, The Clean Slate Initiative is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Yes! All our online donations are processed through DonationPay, which partners with Stripe to offer secure donation processing.
Thank you for wanting to support this movement, and we understand and appreciate that not everyone can do so financially. The best way to get personally involved is by finding a local organization that is engaging on this issue in your state or community. The states where we have active campaigns are available here and provide a great place to start researching where you might best plug in. If we aren’t active in the state yet, we hope to be soon.
Please check out our FAQ page for more information.