
People will no longer be defined by their records and will have the opportunity to contribute to their community, have a fair opportunity to work, get an education, and achieve their full potential.

Our Vision

The Clean Slate Initiative passes and implements laws that automatically clear eligible records for people who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and expands who is eligible for clearance.

Our Mission

Thanks for your interest in The Clean Slate Initiative (CSI). CSI does not accept unsolicited funding proposals, does not provide general support funding, and does not fund outside the priorities of our strategic plan. CSI does not provide legal services, record sealing services, or offer legal advice. If you need information, services, or legal advice related to your record, please visit our contact page to learn more about resources that might help.

Currently, CSI supports campaigns in over a dozen states, and is also working to pass Clean Slate on the Federal level. To find out more about how you can support a local campaign, visit our Clean Slate in States page to stay updated on the latest developments. To learn more about our Federal efforts, visit our Federal campaign page. To stay in touch and up to date on Clean Slate Initiative news, sign up for our email list.

Introducing Clean Slate

Clean Slate is a bipartisan policy model that uses technology to automate arrest and conviction record clearance if a person stays crime-free for a period of time. It's a proven and successful model to implement commonsense policies that create transformational changes in people's lives.

Clean Slate is rooted in the American Dream - the belief that if you work hard, you should be able to get ahead and provide for your family. Everyone deserves a shot at redemption. People who have made mistakes, paid their debt to society, and now want to make a better life for themselves and those who depend on them deserve a chance to do so.


CSI Staff

Contact Us

The Clean Slate Initiative does not provide legal services or offer legal advice.

For Media Inquiries, email press@cleanslateinitiative.org.

For other inquiries or more information, please use the form.