Governor Moore’s Pardons Mark Another Step Forward for Maryland

Annapolis, MD - Earlier today, Maryland Governor Wes Moore announced executive actions granting pardons for misdemeanor convictions for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia. The move comes two weeks before the state is expected to remove misdemeanor cannabis convictions from the state’s Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS), which is slated to happen on July 1, 2024. 

Sheena Meade, CEO of The Clean Slate Initiative, issued the following statement after Governor Moore announced the issuing of pardons:

“Our legal system is ever evolving, and the pardons announced today demonstrate Governor Moore’s commitment to ensuring Marylanders’ have a fair opportunity to build a better future for themselves and their families. 

“Today’s action and the state’s investment in judicial software procurement process signal that Maryland is well positioned to build on these achievements in the coming years. We look forward to working with lawmakers, state agencies, and community stakeholders to do just that.”

More information on Governor Moore’s executive action is available here.


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