At The Clean Slate Initiative, we believe in second chances — and that belief resonates across the political spectrum. Our latest research brief, Bipartisan Support for Clean Slate Laws, offers compelling data on the widespread support for automatic record sealing among people who have received a Clean Slate.

CSI’s Impact Survey Report, released earlier this year, surveyed 800 people with arrest and conviction records in Pennsylvania, Utah, and Michigan — three states that have implemented Clean Slate (in 2019, 2020, and 2023, respectively). The survey, conducted in collaboration with Dr. Nyron Crawford, Associate Professor of Political Science at Temple University, captured the perspectives of a politically diverse group of people: Democrats, Republicans, and Independents were all well-represented.

Clean Slate laws are seen as a tool for building stronger, more self-sufficient communities. Our research brief zeroes in on the bipartisan support for automatic record sealing, emphasizing that Clean Slate is a unifying issue with transformative potential that is supported across party lines.

Survey respondents were well-represented across the political spectrum.

Here Are the Top-Lines:

  • Broad Bipartisan Support: Regardless of political affiliation, respondents overwhelmingly back Clean Slate laws. 78% of Republicans and 83% of Democrats either strongly or somewhat support their state's Clean Slate law.
  • Universal Challenges: Regardless of political affiliation, people with records face similar challenges. More than half of Democrats (50%) and Republicans (53%) reported that it was extremely or somewhat difficult in at least one area of their lives following an arrest or conviction. About 1 in 3 from both parties reported difficulties getting a job, maintaining employment, or making a living.
  • Real Impact: The study also found that a significant number of respondents have already benefited from their state's Clean Slate laws. 56% of Republicans and 42% of Democrats reported having their record sealed automatically.

These findings reinforce what we’ve known all along: Clean Slate is not just good policy — it’s a practical, unifying solution rooted in fairness, opportunity, and redemption. Together, we are proving that second chances are something we can all agree on.

Read The Brief