Take Action to Support The Clean Slate Act & The Fresh Start Act

The Clean Slate Act and the Fresh Start Act are two common-sense, bipartisan bills that would finally provide some relief to millions of people in America who often face lifelong economic barriers because of a past record.

Read more about the two bills below and use the form to contact your members of Congress.


The Fresh Start Act

The Fresh Start Act (H.R. 2983), sponsored by Reps. David Trone (D-MD) and Kelly Armstrong (R-ND), creates a federal grant program that enables states which passed automatic sealing laws to apply for federal funds to implement those laws. As a result, millions more people will be able to access employment, housing, and education. Additionally, the grant program will make state record-sealing systems more efficient through automation.

The Clean Slate Act

H.R. 2930, sponsored by Reps. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE) and Nancy Mace (R-SC), and the Senate’s companion bill, S. 5266, sponsored by Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Bob Casey (D-PA) make up The Clean Slate Act of 2023. The Clean Slate Act creates a first-ever federal process that enables individuals to petition for clearance of low-level conviction records and establishes a streamlined system to automate sealing for eligible drug records for people who have completed their sentences and remained crime-free for a period of time.


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