No One Should Be Defined By Their Record
The Clean Slate Initiative is working across the country, and in Congress, to pass and implement laws that automate record sealing for people with eligible records who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and to expand who is eligible for sealing.
Updates from CSI
Clean Slate Laws Are Changing Lives in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Utah — But Many Aren’t Aware of Them
For the states that have begun implementing, one big question comes up often: “Do people know about Clean Slate?” Our latest research brief focuses on answering this question in three Clean Slate states: Pennsylvania, Utah, and Michigan. Learn more about our latest research brief in this update from Dr. Laura Chavez, Director of Research & Data.
Clean Slate at CPAC: Bipartisan Momentum for Common-Sense Policy
CPAC is an annual conservative gathering, and this year, record sealing emerged as a powerful bipartisan solution at the intersection of justice reform and economic growth. Learn more in this update from Aditi Sherikar, Public Policy Director.
Making Second Chances a Reality: The Importance of Clean Slate Implementation
The Clean Slate Initiative works to pass Clean Slate laws around the country. But we know that passing these laws is just the beginning. Effective implementation is crucial for real change. Learn more in this update from Katie Svoboda-Kindle, Implementation Director.
Support Clean Slate
Your voice and action matter. Share your story to amplify the importance of second chances, or make a donation to help expand access to automated record sealing and opportunity for millions.