No One Should Be Defined By Their Record

The Clean Slate Initiative is working across the country, and in Congress, to pass and implement laws that automate record sealing for people with eligible records who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and to expand who is eligible for sealing.


Our Mission

The Clean Slate Initiative passes and implements laws that automatically clear eligible records for people who have completed their sentence and remained crime-free, and expands who is eligible for clearance


Our Vision

People will no longer be defined by their records and will have the opportunity to contribute to their community, have a fair opportunity to work, get an education, and achieve their full potential.


Real Second Chances for Millions of People Across the Country

Over 15 million people in America are eligible for full or partial record sealing in the 12 states that have passed Clean Slate legislation that meets CSI's policy minimums.


All 50 States on the Clean Slate Path by 2029

We have a multi-year strategy to put all 50 states on the path to passing Clean Slate legislation. By 2029, we plan to pass and implement laws that provide partial and full record clearance for up to 14 million more people — restoring opportunity and dignity for many who have been left behind for far too long.

Support Clean Slate

Your voice and action matter. Share your story to amplify the importance of second chances, or make a donation to help expand access to automated record sealing and opportunity for millions.