Press Release: Clean Slate Initiative Praises Presidential Action Pardoning Federal Marijuana Offenses, Calls for Further Action

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Earlier today, President Biden issued a proclamation pardoning people charged with simple possession of marijuana. Additionally, the President has directed the U.S. Attorney General for developing and administering the pardon application process.

Sheena Meade, executive director of the Clean Slate Initiative, issued the following statement:

“We applaud President Biden’s executive action pardoning Federal simple marijuana offenses. The action is a good first step in helping working Americans overcome the barriers created by having a conviction on their records. 

“Now it’s time for Congress to take the next step. There are tens of thousands more that have past records that are barriers to work, housing and education.  It’s time for federal lawmakers to pass the Clean Slate Act, legislation that allows people with an eligible past record who have completed their sentence and stayed crime-free to petition for record sealing and which automates sealing for all low-level drug offenses. 

“One out of every three people in America has some kind of record. I strongly hope that President Biden’s action today is the first of many efforts to improve the lives of the millions of Americans who face constant barriers to opportunity and creating a better life for themselves.” 



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California becomes the eighth state to enact a Clean Slate law