Donate to The Clean Slate Initiative

Your tax-deductible donation today will help to make sure that everyone in America has the opportunity to work, have a safe home, and contribute to their community.

The Clean Slate Initiative is working to automate record clearance for the millions of Americans whose conviction and non-conviction records are currently holding them back from moving forward. Since this initiative’s inception, we have helped pass legislation that provides a path for: 

  • 2.3 million people to have at least one conviction or non-conviction cleared;

  • 7.3 million conviction and non-conviction cases to be cleared; and

  • 2 million people to receive full record clearance.

Your support will help us continue to accelerate this effort across the country. Please make a tax-deductible donation today. 

For information on other ways to give, including donations of stock, please click the button below.