America was Founded on the Idea of Second Chances

Blog Post by Sheena Meade, CEO

America is a land of dreams, opportunity, and second chances. Even when we’re on different sides of the fence on so many issues, these shared values can create an opening in that fence and give us a chance to move together toward a common goal. When we work together, united in our shared experiences, values, and goals, we have the greatest opportunity to create impactful, lasting change for all those living in America.

Most of us want to provide for our families and keep them safe, and most of us believe in the idea that we should not have a two-tiered system of justice, where the wealthy can afford to buy a second chance and working families are left behind. Even the belief in redemption is something most of us share — and that’s why over 70% of voters, across party lines, support second chances through Clean Slate policies.

Clean Slate policies expand and automate the clearance of arrest and conviction records after people have completed their sentence and remained crime-free for a period of time. These policies aim to expand access to employment opportunities, housing, and true redemption. As the CEO of The Clean Slate Initiative, my staff and I work to reduce barriers people face because of their record. I have seen the harm created by these barriers - through my work and my personal lived experience.

About twenty years ago, I was arrested for a mistake I made in my twenties. That mistake – unintentionally bouncing a check while trying to feed my children – put barriers in front of me that made navigating life even harder. Even after growing in my professional career, it was difficult to find safe housing for my family. Since 90% of landlords rely on background checks to vet prospective tenants, the rejections were not surprising, but they still hurt. They were also reminders that no matter how hard I tried to move beyond my mistake, my record would follow me for the rest of my life. 

My experience is not unique.

Between 70 and 100 million – or 1 in 3 – people in America now have some type of record that limits their ability to pursue dreams, find opportunities for employment and housing, and access a true second chance — even after they’ve paid their debt to society.

Beyond the personal implications of living with a record, the effects on our economy, on our communities, and on our families can be devastating. That’s why this is an issue that affects all of us, no matter where our politics stand.

Our movement’s track record speaks for itself: political leaders across party lines have thrown their weight behind Clean Slate because they recognize the benefits of record relief for their constituents, their states, and our nation. To date, 11 states have passed legislation that meet our Clean Slate policy criteria, including Pennsylvania, Utah, Delaware, Michigan, and Oklahoma. We’ve also seen incredible bipartisan support for Clean Slate on the federal level, with strong Republican and Democrat cosponsorship of both the Clean Slate Act and the Fresh Start Act.

I have friends, colleagues, and supporters across the political spectrum, and take any opportunity to show up in every space I can — because I’ve seen the power of breaking down partisanship and giving everyone a second chance. I know that together we can create lasting change, and I want you to join me in this effort. I encourage all lawmakers, regardless of your party or politics, to uplift or champion Clean Slate policies on the state and federal level.


New York Becomes 12th State to Pass ‘Clean Slate’ Record Clearance Policy


Minnesota Passes Clean Slate!