Clean Slate is Making Progress Across the Country: A Birds-Eye View of Our State Campaigns

The Clean Slate Initiative’s (CSI) six-year strategy to unlock opportunities for an additional 14 million people primarily focuses on passing and implementing Clean Slate laws at the state level. That’s why so much of our work focuses on state partnerships — those partnerships are a key driver of Clean Slate across the country.

Our strategy relies on creating durable, bipartisan, and multi-stakeholder coalitions. We aim to have those coalitions center directly impacted people who are well-positioned to design and lead effective campaigns, provide input on legislation, and advocate for impactful changes based on their own experiences. State coalitions are the engines that create the conditions for real change. They combine local expertise from grassroots organizations, business allies, faith-based groups, policy experts, and social service providers with the technical expertise existing within the CSI network.

Every day, we get to work with partners who are dedicated to automating and expanding access to record clearance. The 12 states that have already passed Clean Slate laws are the proof in the pudding: the momentum behind Clean Slate is fueled by the state partners who propel it forward every day.

Sometimes, the road to passage has barriers. Fortunately, we’re no strangers to barriers in this work. Even when a Clean Slate bill stalls in a state, it’s never wasted work. State coalitions build a strong foundation upon which partners continue to build, learning lessons for the next round of advocacy.

Get the latest updates on our active campaign states below, and check our Clean Slate in States website regularly for campaign websites and updates on the latest passed legislation.

Clean Slate Colorado (CSCO)

CSI Campaign Lead: Caitlin Dunklee

The Clean Slate Colorado Coalition is currently advocating for HB24-1133: Successful Implementation of the Colorado Clean Slate Act. This technical fix bill will ensure that Coloradans get the full benefits of Clean Slate implementation. The bill also allows for remote record-sealing petition hearings. 

HB24-113 passed the Appropriations Committee, and Clean Slate Colorado partners are working hard to move this bill through both chambers.

Clean Slate Connecticut (CSCT)

CSI Campaign Lead: Caitlin Dunklee

Connecticut is facing another delay in the implementation of Clean Slate. CSI’s partner CONECT (Congregations Organized for a New Connecticut) is working diligently to hold the Governor’s office accountable to implementation deadlines to ensure records are cleared. 

To date, approximately 13,626 records have been cleared in CT, falling short of the 80,000 that were slated to be cleared by January 2024.

Clean Slate Delaware (CSDE)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

The Delaware coalition continues to work in concert as we head towards the implementation deadline of August 1, 2024, for the First State’s Clean Slate legislation. By the state’s own estimate, some 290,000 Delaware residents will ultimately benefit from the new law; however, the statutory interpretation by state agencies indicates only one-third of those entitled to automated expungement will receive this on day one. Unfortunately, the estimate is that it may take an additional 3-5 years to fully realize the aims of the Clean Slate law. Advocates continue to offer ideas on administrative and legislative solutions to expedite the full benefits of Clean Slate.

Additionally, the state partners continue to work on public education and provide opportunities for directly impacted people to give input on the state's implementation process through events like community conversations and more.

Clean Slate Illinois (CSIL)

CSI Campaign Lead: Caitlin Dunklee

Illinois is optimistic about passing robust Clean Slate legislation this session. CSI partners recently joined the Illinois Coalition to End Permanent Punishments at a successful lobby day in Springfield. 

The Clean Slate Illinois Coalition Steering Committee includes the Workers Center for Racial Justice, Illinois Coalition to End Permanent Punishments, Live Free Illinois, and Cabrini Green Legal Aid.

Clean Slate Kentucky (CSKY)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

A tremendous amount of effort went into the Kentucky legislative process this past year, including an interim legislative hearing and re-entry simulation in the summer of 2023 that was incredibly well-received. Advocates met with agencies and lawmakers, crafted compromise approaches, and had the legislation ready to roll in the 2024 General Assembly.  

In a surprising turn of events, the Kentucky Chief Justice appeared in opposition minutes before the committee hearing on the bill, causing the bill to be withdrawn from the hearing. Undeterred, the coalition is already planning on how to push the bill over the finish line in 2025.

Clean Slate Maryland (CSMD)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

Maryland launched its Clean Slate legislative effort this year with strong bipartisan support, including the House Democratic Majority Leader partnering with a Republican colleague to be co-lead sponsors. Additionally, co-sponsors included the majority of the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee. Ultimately, it was clear that stepping-stone legislation that invested in the state’s software systems was needed before the state advanced Clean Slate. Senate Bill 11, with an amendment that will greatly reduce the fiscal note for future Clean Slate legislation, is on Governor Moore’s desk.

Clean Slate Massachusetts (CSMA)

CSI Campaign Lead: Caitlin Dunklee

Despite a successful rally and hearing, the Massachusetts Clean Slate bills did not make it out of the Joint Judiciary Committee this session. The Clean Slate Massachusetts Coalition has a campaign planning retreat in May to revamp their strategy, complete power mapping, and expand their Steering Committee for the 2025-26 legislative session.

Clean Slate Michigan (CSMI)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

Michigan celebrated the one-year anniversary of its Clean Slate implementation on April 11, with a webinar featuring Jason Cooper, CSI’s VP of Programs, and a panel discussion of the impact of the Clean Slate law.  

Our lead partner, Safe & Just Michigan, also released an extensive report highlighting Clean Slate in practice, along with suggestions for continued improvements in the law. 

The final piece of the puzzle, an online notification portal, is on pause until the state court system completes a process of unifying records into a central repository.

Clean Slate Minnesota (CSMN)

CSI Campaign Lead: Erik Altieri

The Minnesota Clean Slate Coalition's campaign focuses on ensuring the successful implementation of the state’s Clean Slate law, passed in a groundbreaking 2023 legislative session. The diverse coalition is led by groups such as Until We All Are Free (UWAAF), Tone-Up, and ISAIAH. The campaign will involve organizing initiatives such as workshops, teach-ins, and community events to raise awareness among directly impacted people. 

Communication and media strategies will also be deployed, including social and traditional media. The campaign will focus on ensuring the integrity of the law's implementation by collecting quantitative and qualitative data and monitoring ongoing implementation needs while providing public education through an outreach plan that includes engaging target areas and populations through various modes such as door-knocking, phone banking, and local community meetings.

Clean Slate Missouri (CSMO)

CSI Campaign Lead: Chelsea Murphy

The Clean Slate Missouri Campaign continues to create momentum. HB 2108/HB 2555 and SB 1161/763 have been moving through their respective chamber committees with overwhelming support. The 2024 Session is set to wrap up at the end of May. 

Clean Slate New Jersey (CSNJ)

CSI Campaign Lead: Erik Altieri

Salvation and Social Justice (SANDSJ) is leading the 2024 campaign in New Jersey, which aims to advocate for and implement expungement reforms through legislative outreach and education. The campaign will continue to engage lawmakers, community leaders, and impacted individuals to raise awareness and advocate for better opportunities for those with arrests and convictions on their records through automated expungement.  

The campaign will pursue strategies such as identifying senate sponsors, conducting expungement clinics, publishing op-eds, developing educational resources like workbooks, and producing a documentary featuring the voices of impacted individuals. Additionally, SANDSJ will engage faith leaders and amplify community voices to apply public pressure on the administration and state agencies for expungement reforms.

New Jersey approved a Clean Slate bill in 2021, but so far implementing that law has faced numerous challenges, but our partners in the Garden State are putting in the work required to bring relief and second chances to thousands in New Jersey.

Clean Slate North Carolina (CSNC)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

In the Old North State, the General Assembly has just started the “short session” of their two-year legislative cycle, where the House of Representatives will consider passage of Senate Bill 565, a stepping-stone bill unanimously passed in the State Senate that will fix issues concerning the automatic expungement of non-convictions.  

To that end, advocates gathered in March to plan for the legislative effort and to begin strategizing the long-term approach toward the ultimate passage of a complete Clean Slate law in the state.

Clean Slate Ohio (CSOH)

CSI Campaign Lead: Ryan Ewing

The Ohio campaign is off to a strong start with the introduction last month of House Bill 460 - the GROW Act (Get Rehabilitated Ohioans Working) - and a robust coalition of support in the Buckeye State. The first hearing on the legislation took place on April 3 in the House Criminal Justice Committee, with indications of strong support from leadership. 

Testimony was provided by the bill sponsors (including the House Majority leader), Americans for Prosperity, and Peter Lucido, the elected prosecutor from Macomb County, Michigan, who was also a state senator when Michigan enacted their Clean Slate legislation. The next hearings will take place in May, and advocates continue to build support and momentum for passage this year!

Clean Slate Oklahoma (CSOK)

CSI Campaign Lead: Chelsea Murphy

Clean Slate Oklahoma worked with lawmakers to pass a technical fix bill, SB 1770, that will support the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation’s implementation efforts. The bill passed with near unanimous support, 85 -1, which is a strong signal of the state’s commitment to effective implementation. 

Clean Slate Oregon (CSOR)

CSI Campaign Lead: Caitlin Dunklee

2024 is a short legislative session for Oregon, and despite a determined coalition, Clean Slate Oregon was not able to pass stepping-stone legislation. The Coalition is regrouping and charting a path to achieve full automation in future sessions.

Clean Slate Texas (CSTX)

CSI Campaign Lead: Chelsea Murphy

The Clean Slate Texas Coalition is hard at work incorporating research and implementing lessons learned as they draft a campaign plan and work with stakeholders to draft a new bill for the 2025 Legislative Session. 

Clean Slate Utah (CSUT)

CSI Campaign Lead: Chelsea Murphy

State partners are part of a working group tasked with resolving some of the state's challenges in implementing automated record sealing. Starting this summer, the working group meets during a three-year pause on new records being submitted for sealing. However, the state will continue to work through records already in the queue. 

Partners remain hopeful as stakeholders throughout the process remain committed to finding solutions that deliver on the state's promise of a second chance for those who have earned it.

Clean Slate Virginia (CSVA)

CSI Campaign Lead: Chelsea Murphy

Virginia is set to implement its automated expungement law in 2025. The bill was passed in 2021 under the state's former governor, a supporter of Clean Slate, and is now facing implementation barriers under the state's current governor, who has not yet shown support for Clean Slate. 

The Virginia state coalition will be participating in a working group over the summer and plans to work with Code for America, our partners in implementation logistics, to create and maintain a robust online portal. 


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